Brand Story

A Mother’s Love, A Gift for All


Becoming a mother is the most beautiful blessing but it comes with challenges. Nurul, a mother of four, understands this better than anyone.

Her nights were filled with the cries of her little ones who struggled to sleep, fussy from bloated tummies, or restless from itchy insect bites. Her heart ached every time her children were uncomfortable. And when her third child was diagnosed with mild eczema, her worries grew even deeper.

Every time she bought baby care products, she felt hesitant. Are the ingredients truly safe? She read label after label, only to find questionable chemicals something she couldn’t bear to put on her child’s skin.

She knew she had to find a solution herself. If she wanted the best for her children, surely other mothers shared the same concerns. From this deep need, BB natural was born a brand created by a mother, for mothers everywhere.

BB Natural’s first product, Minyak Syafia, was the starting point. Formulated with natural ingredients like citronella, eucalyptus oil, and therapeutic plant extracts, it became the answer to common parenting struggles bloating, itchy insect bites, fever, coughs, and mild colds. More than that, its gentle aroma provided a sense of refreshment and calm for children.

Soon after, another pressing issue arose children struggling to fall asleep, staying awake for hours, and crying endlessly. Nurul understood this pain because she had experienced it firsthand. This led to the creation of Dudooi Sleep Spray, specially formulated to soothe children, help them sleep better, and bring relief to parents.

Today, BB Natural is more than just a brand. It is a legacy of a mother’s love, ensuring that children grow up feeling safe, calm, and happy. From massage oils to sleep sprays, every BB Natural product is created with one purpose to provide real comfort, naturally.

Because a mother understands best. And BB natural is here to help every mother give her child the very best. 💖